Want to connect? Me, too!

Send me a message here, email me or connect on my socials.

Englewood, Colorado

More than just creative instruction.

If you’re here, you’re obviously seeking to connect with creativity + joy, but…

Have you thought about how creativity can help you connect to your intuition + benefit your mental health?

As an artist, I'm admittedly biased when I say that creating is one of the most important elements to feeling more grounded + calm + present—but you don’t have to be an artist to experience the stress relief or positive effects on your mental health + well-being when you connect with Creative Self.

So, while I'm definitely *not* an expert in mental health, I am a highly sensitive, introverted empath who has struggled with depression + anxiety.

I definitely *do* believe in the importance of having a creative practice because I have seen it work for me.

When I connect to Creative Self, I strengthen my connection to my intuition.

The more I create, the more I activate my intuition.

This builds trust in my self worth, which makes me feel more confident in my actions.

I am then more likely to trust that everything is happening for the highest good + I release my need to control the outcome.

And this is when I find myself in a state of flow with the rhythm of my own life.

See where I’m going with this?

I now feel more grounded + calm + present.

Voilà. Lesson learned. The end.

Just kidding! You have to keep practicing, just like I do.

Start your practice by:

Or, subscribe to my artist newsletter.

I send emails every other Thursday to help you connect to Creative Self so you feel more grounded, calm + present. Each newsletter features a creative invitation, things worth sharing + a snapshot from my studio.

Hiya! I‘m Lexis, an artist + educator + mama.

I specialize in watercolor + doodling workshops, the creative process + artwork designed to help women connect to their own color + joy, as well as getting a home cooked dinner on the table at 5pm and putting everything back where it belongs.

As an introvert by nature, life-long creative + color loving soul, I believe we are all creative so I seek to bring out the artist in everyone.

With a background in graphic design, marketing, illustration + fine art, I use 20 years of creative experience + my deep rooted call to create, to help women connect to creativity by sharing what our Creative Selves need most to experience.